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Mark your calendar for these dates!

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From the Aphelion to a full moon, and below-average temperatures, there are a few things you need to remember this month.

Consider this your weather and space calendar for July. I hope to make these calendar posts every month to bring awareness to the atmospheric events occurring every day. I will also will use this post to discuss long-range weather outlooks.

The credit goes to space.com for all the spacey information below.

July 5th

It is believed that July 5th, 1643 was when Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor recorded the first tornado in the 13 colonies, which would later become the United States.

In his journal, Gov. John Winthrop described violent winds which blew down trees and lifted their meeting house, killing one member inside. Now, the governor made no mention of a funnel cloud, which leaves some to believe it was just straight-line winds.

Another potential tornado report in An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences describes an eyewitness seeing a swirling dark cloud picking up bushes, knocking down trees, and large stones. The storm occurred in Cambridge, MA during July of 1680. This may also have been the first tornado ever recorded in the U.S.

Additionally on July 5th, the Aphelion. A date marking Earth's farthest distance from the sun. January 4th is the Perihelion, which is when Earth will be closest to the sun.

Earth’s orbit is not circular, but elliptical. Meaning the orbit of our planet isn’t always the same distance from the sun. On the Aphelion, the Earth is 94.5 million miles from the sun. On the Perihelion, Earth will be just 91.4 million miles from the sun.

July 6th

On July 1st, a SpaceX cargo ship dropped off over three thousand pounds of supplies to the International Space Station. On July 6th, the same cargo spacecraft will return to Earth.

Space.com has a live stream available to watch the craft’s departure.

July 9th

Mercury will be visible just above the southeast horizon. If you look just before sunrise, you will see the planet sitting at its highest point in the sky. July 9th is also the date of the new moon.

July 11th - 15: Temperature and precipitation outlook

Do you like cooler temperatures? Well, you’re in luck. Below-average temperatures are expected from the 11th through the 15th. The reason behind the cooler weather? A strong cold front pushing through late Friday or Saturday, details on the exact timing still need to be nailed down. This front is also associated with upper-level low pressure that will dig into Missouri, allowing cooler air from the north to flow south. Pressure and temperature are related, and you can get a good idea of what the temperature will be like just by looking at the pressure fields.

With anonymously low pressure sitting overhead between the 11th and 15th, this could lead to cooler than average temperatures. By this time of year, our high temperature generally is in the upper 80s. So anything lower than average will be comfortable.

Now, as for the precipitation outlooks. During the same period, expect slightly above average precipitation from Texas and stretching up to the northeast.

July 13th 

Less than 1% of tornadoes in the US are considered violent tornadoes (rating of EF4 or EF5).

July 13th marks the anniversary of the F4 Roanoke tornado. The tornado touched down nearly two miles north of Metamora, IL, with initial F0 intensity. The tornado strengthened as it moved southeast and hit the Parsons Manufacturing Plant as a dangerous F4 tornado with winds upwards of 240mph. 140 people were in the plant, but they all made it to shelter before the tornado struck.

The tornado demolished the manufacturing plant and a few farmsteads. It tracked over 9 miles and was on the ground for 23 minutes.

July 23rd

July’s full moon, known as the Full Buck Moon, will appear bright in the sky. For the time of your local moonrise, and details about the sunrise/sunset, click HERE

July 28th 

An EF3 tornado struck Birmingham, United Kingdom on July 28th, 2005. The twister injured 20 people and cost over 55 million dollars in damages.

The tornado was only on the ground for several minutes, with a damage path less than a mile long. In densely populated Birmingham, the tornado damaged 4,400 homes and 617 businesses. This tornado is considered one of the strongest to occur in the UK.

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